Repository for all approved National Occupational Standards
National Occupational Standards (NOS) are statements of the standards of performance individuals must achieve when carrying out functions in the workplace, together with specifications of the underpinning knowledge and understanding.
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NOS Annual Report 2023-24
NOS Quality Criteria 2024
NOS GG Quarterly Update Q2
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How to find the right NOS
3 easy steps to find the right National Occupational Standard
Enter Keywords or URN
NOS are identified by a Unique Registration Number (URN)which can be used to search with. Keywords can be used for a wider set of results.
Select a Business Sector (Suite)
NOS are grouped by Suite which relate to the sector they can be used in. They vary in number depending on the sectors needs.
Select an Occupation
NOS are aligned to relevant occupations when they are developed and searching by these will give a broader set of search results.
Usage of National Occupational Standards
NOS can be used in many different ways.
To create in-house competence standards for employees roles and responsibilities.
Job Seekers
For updating resume, finding the jobs skills requirements and performance criteria.
Training Provider
For preparing Training materials for the particular occupations. finding the jobs skills requirements.
Research different types of jobs and match their skills/experience to those that are needed.
Create a job description and improve the competence of staff for particular industries.
To gather the information for study material and learning different types of levels.
Educational Organisation
For teaching purpose, creating course materials for students and teachers.
HR professional
Create a job description to recruit new staff or a training plan for different type of skills.
Regulatory organisations
To underpin safe working practices, operating processes or other Professional standards