Monitor and control the progress of productions

Business Sectors (Suites): Production (FILM and TV)
Developed by: ScreenSkills
Approved on: 31 Mar 2019


This Standard involves making sure that everyone knows what is expected of them, and that they are informed of any changes to schedules. 

It is about monitoring the progress of schedules, and communicating with those concerned.  It involves identifying any discrepancies between actual and planned progress, and suggesting realistic solutions to problems. It is about justifying any changes to schedules in terms of costs and logistics, and ensuring that all employment, legal and contractual agreements are adhered to.

It is about understanding and managing an array of documentation; this could include wrap reports, continuity reports, cost statements and hot cost reports. It may also involve effectively resolving any disputes or communication issues between members of the cast and crew in a timely and sensitive manner.

This Standard is for Production Managers and Production Co-ordinators.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. ensure that everyone knows what they have to do during all stages of productions, by holding regular production meetings

  2. establish communication systems which enable the efficient flow of information

  3. agree with relevant people that planned schedules are realistic and achievable using information gained from technical recces,

  4. identify possible problems, and plan for identifiable contingencies

  5. ensure that all employment, legal, health and safety, insurance and contractual agreements are understood and adhered to by everyone  and taken into account within planned schedules 

  6. conduct ongoing risk assessments during productions to meet production requirements

  7. gather sufficient information to prepare regular progress reports and make accurate checks of progress against call sheets

  8. identify the reasons for, and suggest realistic solutions to any discrepancies between actual and planned progress

  9. justify any changes to schedules in terms of cost and logistics to appropriate authorities

  10. notify appropriate colleagues of changes to production schedules without delay

  11. resolve disputes or communication issues between cast members or crew

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. how to manage regular production meetings to ensure there is effective communication

  2. any discrepancies between actual and planned progress

  3. different types of communication systems, and how and when best to apply them

  4. when changes to the schedule or content may be necessary, and how to justify the changes in terms of cost, logistics and health and safety

  5. who needs to know about changes to schedules

  6. how to manage production documentation including wrap reports, continuity reports, cost statements and hot cost reports

  7. employment, legal, insurance, contractual, and health and safety regulations, and how they can affect the schedule

  8. what factors could cause delays to productions, and the need for contingency planning

  9. effective ways to resolve disputes between cast members and crew

  10. how to gather necessary information to prepare progress reports and reference these against the call sheet

  11. how to present reasons and justifications for changes to the schedule


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date

30 Mar 2022





Originating Organisation

Screen Skills (formerly Creative Skillset)

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Arts, Media and Publishing, Production Managers, Production Coordinator

SOC Code



Television, Film, Production, Schedule