Select and prepare accommodation for veterinary patients

Business Sectors (Suites): Veterinary nursing and auxiliary services
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2019


This standard is about selecting and preparing accommodation for veterinary patients. The accommodation could be for veterinary patients admitted for day procedures or for veterinary patients requiring hospitalisation.  It covers confirming that the accommodation is cleaned and prepared to suit the condition of the veterinary patient.  You will need to prepare accommodation for veterinary patients under observation or recovery from surgical and medical procedures.

The work covered in this standard contributes to infection control and the prevention of transfer of infectious diseases to future occupants of the accommodation.

This standard is suitable for registered veterinary nurses.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. select accommodation as required for the veterinary patient and for their clinical requirements
  2. assess the potential risks to the health and safety of yourself and colleagues when preparing accommodation for veterinary patients
  3. select and implement the required veterinary practice infection control procedures when preparing accommodation for veterinary patients
  4. wear the required clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) when preparing accommodation for veterinary patients
  5. maintain your personal hygiene relating to infection control and use of PPE
  6. prepare accommodation using the relevant cleaning and disinfection techniques in accordance with the clinical needs and veterinary practice infection control procedures
  7. check that the environmental conditions within the accommodation are suitable to the clinical condition and species of the veterinary patient
  8. confirm that the veterinary accommodation is in good condition to avoid risk of injury or escape of the veterinary patient
  9. provide the relevant bedding and materials for the veterinary patient and its clinical condition
  10. check that accommodation is labelled with the veterinary patient's details and that records are completed in accordance with veterinary practice procedures
  11. restrict access to the veterinary patient accommodation according to veterinary practice procedures
  12. comply with relevant animal health and welfare legislation and codes of practice
  13. carry out your work in accordance with relevant environmental and health and safety legislations, risk assessment requirements, codes of practice and business policies

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the veterinary practice requirements for the standard of veterinary patient accommodation
  2. the type of accommodation required by different veterinary patients and their clinical requirements
  3. the clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) required for selecting and preparing accommodation for veterinary patients
  4. the required veterinary practice infection control procedures for selecting and preparing accommodation for veterinary patients
  5. the relevant cleaning methods and materials for different accommodation, the veterinary patients and the types of cases
  6. the relevant environmental conditions for different veterinary patients and the way they can be adjusted, including adjusting the light, temperature, ventilation, humidity and noise
  7. the relevant legal and veterinary practice requirements for the handling and storage of potentially harmful substances
  8. how to dispose of waste materials produced by the veterinary practice in accordance with the relevant legislation and veterinary practice guidelines
  9. the veterinary practice's procedure for rectifying any damage to the veterinary patients accommodation
  10. how to maintain the veterinary accommodation to the required veterinary practice standard
  11. the types of bedding that should be provided for different veterinary patients and clinical conditions
  12. who is authorised to access veterinary patient accommodation
  13. your responsibilities for the health and welfare of animals under relevant legislation and codes of practice.
  14. your professional responsibilities as a registered veterinary nurse
  15. your responsibility under the relevant environmental and health and safety legislations, codes of practice and business policies


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

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Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Veterinary Nurse

SOC Code



veterinary patients; animal care