Promote opportunities for community development learning LEGACY

Business Sectors (Suites): Community Development
Developed by: NYA
Approved on: 2015


This standard is about people learning through action and experience. It involves practitioners enabling people involved in community development to engage in different ways of learning through:

•  reflecting on their own and others' experiences,

•  learning from others, and

•  promoting and creating informal and formal opportunities for people to learn together.

This standard is relevant to all community development practitioners.

The community development standards are arranged in six key areas:

•  One - Understand and practise community development

•  Two - Understand and engage with communities

•  Three - Group work and collective action

•  Four - Collaboration and cross-sectoral working

•  Five - Community learning for social change

•  Six - Governance and organisational development

This standard is within Key Area Five.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1  promote the benefits of learning to community practitioners

2  promote the value of learning from communities to organisations and policymakers

3  empower people to have the self-belief to access learning opportunities

4  use learning opportunities that arise from community activity to share ideas, skills, knowledge and experience amongst practitioners

5  identify and promote examples of good practice to aid own and others' understanding of community development practice

6  reflect on own practice to inform own future ways of working

7  support communities and other organisations to develop learning plans for their organisation's staff and volunteers

8  identify resources to meet the learning needs of community development practitioners

9  use a range of methods to promote learning opportunities to different organisations and practitioners

10  engage in the co-production of learning with learning providers and communities

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

The context

1  the role of learning in promoting trust, understanding and respect within and between communities

2  barriers to learning and ways to overcome them

3  anti-oppressive practice in the provision and delivery of learning

Approaches to learning

4  approaches and methods to facilitate learning

5  how to facilitate reflecting on experience and active participatory learning

6  methods for sharing learning from diverse experiences, perspectives and practice

7  how to identify current and future learning needs for people engaged in community activities

8  how the outcomes of learning in community development contribute to promoting change

Resources and support for learning

9  the nature of community-based learning and resources available to support it

10  current community development learning frameworks and qualifications

11  formal and informal learning support networks and how to access them


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge


Community development is underpinned by a set of values which distinguish it from other, sometimes related, activities in the community. These values are at the core of community development and underpin each of the standards. The values are;

1  Social justice and equality

2  Anti-discrimination

3  Community empowerment

4  Collective action

5  Working and learning together

The following examples illustrate how each of the community development values might inform practice in this standard. These statements are not part of assessment requirements.

1  opportunities are created for people to learn about the social, political, cultural, environmental and economic issues that affect their communities

2  barriers to participation in learning are recognised and steps are taken to overcome them

3  different perspectives and experiences are recognised and valued when planning learning

4  opportunities for people to learn together and from others is incorporated into learning programmes

5  connections are made with the experiences of communities locally, nationally and globally to enhance learning




Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Learning Skills Improvement Service

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Community Support Groups, Community Voluntary Workers

SOC Code



community development; community development practitioner; community development practice; community development values; community development research; community development consultation; community development groups; community development methods