Recruit participants onto Family Learning

Business Sectors (Suites): Family learning
Developed by: CLD Standards Council Scotland
Approved on: 2023


This standard is about engaging and recruiting people onto Family Learning programmes. It involves providing potential participants with appropriate information to help them make decisions about the suitability of Family Learning for them. 

In the context of this standard, language support means the provision of additional support to children and adults who might have multiple language needs. For those who might speak a language different to that being used by the group – whatever language that might be.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. engage with adults and children in a way which builds trust
  2. negotiate learning opportunities that are responsive to the needs of children and adults
  3. provide participants with information about the value of Family Learning programmes
  4. provide participants with clear information about what they can expect from a Family Learning programme
  5. make suggestions and give information when requested according to your role and responsibility
  6. provide participants with accurate information about the commitment they will need to make to the programme
  7. discuss the particular requirements of individual participants with them and identify their needs
  8. according to established procedures, provide information on language support for those who express a need 
  9. agree with participants the principles and ground rules for sessions, including confidentiality agreements
  10. complete documentation for registration purposes
  11. complete any financial records and forward to the appropriate person in your organisation
  12. complete any information that may be required by other organisations and forward as appropriate
  13. obtain feedback from participants on the usefulness of the information they have obtained

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the importance of showing enthusiasm for Family Learning and its benefits for all participants regardless of prior knowledge
  2. the different skills, methods and approaches required for communication with children and with adults
  3. the different language needs of potential participants
  4. the language support available to children and adults
  5. cultural requirements for communication appropriate to the local communities you are trying to inform such as format and where information should be displayed or communicated
  6. why it is important to ensure that participants have a clear understanding of what to expect from the Family Learning programme
  7. the reasons why some participants may be reluctant to come to a Family Learning programme
  8. barriers to participation, including financial barriers, physical barriers, social and emotional barriers, language barriers
  9. ways in which barriers can be overcome
  10. the reasons for maintaining records of recruitment
  11. where appropriate, the financial processes for dealing with fees
  12. the information that needs to be completed as part of the recruitment process


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge






Family includes any person who has parental responsibility for a child and any other person with whom the child has been living. Each family is unique and can include parents, carers, guardians, grandparents, other relatives, chosen family and of course, children and young people.

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Direct Learning Support, Education and Training

SOC Code


Family; Learning; Accessible; Environment; Adults; Children