Contribute to keeping workshops tidy and safe
Business Sectors (Suites): Jewellery Manufacture, Silversmithing and Allied Trades
Developed by: Creative & Cultural Skills
Approved on:
This standard covers the skills for good workshop preparation and practice. It involves keeping the workshop tidy and safe. It also involves identifying risks in the workplace, taking action to ensure individuals do not create any health and safety hazards and reporting potential hazards. You will also seek advice should a risk be identified.
You will be responsible for cleaning and storing equipment and the safe handling of chemicals and other hazard materials.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- check there is sufficient clear bench space to safely carry out the work activities in line with health and safety practice
- review working practices which could harm self and others in line with workplace instructions
- maintain vigilance throughout working time within the workshop to avoid harm to self and others in line with workplace instructions
- check who is responsible for health and safety in the workplace and where they are located in line with workplace instructions
- complete tasks within own level of competence in line with workplace instructions
- follow instructions and guidance on the safe use of chemicals, materials and equipment in line with workplace and legal requirements
- dispose of waste and surplus materials at the end of work activities in line with health and safety practice
- clean materials and equipment in line with manufacturer's guidelines
- check the work area is left in a safe and tidy condition after work activities in line with health and safety practice
- store cleaned materials and equipment in line with health and safety practice
- make sure personal presentation and behaviour at work protects the health and safety of self and others in line with workplace instructions
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- safety precautions to be taken in the workshop for different processes
- the importance of keeping the work area safe and tidy
- common hazards and risks in jewellery, silversmithing and allied trades workplace
- safe working practices and legislation
- workplace instructions within own workshop
- the importance of reporting and dealing with risks as soon as they occur
- who to ask for support and when to do so
- who to report risks to
- safety controls of special chemicals and dangerous acids
- material and equipment storage practices
- waste management practices
- methods of cleaning machinery
- care of tools, equipment and machinery
- the limits of own responsibilities and competencies
- suppliers' and manufacturers' instructions for the safe use of equipment, materials and products
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Creative & Cultural Skills
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Design Associate Professionals, Skilled Trades NEC
SOC Code
Jewellery; design; technique; product; safe; tidy; workshops; risks; equipment