Assess housing need and demand of the local population across all tenures

Business Sectors (Suites): Strategic Housing
Developed by: Asset Skills
Approved on: 2015


​This standard is for you if you have a lead role within a housing team of a local authority, housing group or housing association. The role involves assessing the housing needs and demands of the local housing market. You will assess current and future housing needs and demands, and the infrastructure that will be required, by analysing data from a wide range of sources.  In this role you will consult with a wide range of people, such as local community groups or parish councils, elected representatives and regional economic and planning partnerships. You will work with partners to develop community strategic housing plans which address the future housing needs and demands of the local population which will include mixed tenures.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

​P1 work within a partnership to assess housing needs and demands within the local housing market area
P2 apply knowledge of relevant statutory frameworks to develop strategic housing plans in conjunction with partners and stakeholders
P3 assess what needs and demands can be achieved through existing housing stock
P4 assess existing housing services and supporting infrastructure and what new services and infrastructure might be required
P5 identify housing needs and demands which reflect different types of tenures, building sizes and household groups
P6 take account of local area agreements, strategies and policies 
P7 engage with local communities and their representatives, stakeholders and partners to gather views and provide feedback
P8 identify housing priorities which reflect trends and intelligence and the views of local people and stakeholders
P9 use  a range of tools and methods to develop potential future scenarios for the housing market area 
P10 identify potential available land together with other essential development resources e.g. public funding resources, public services and utilities provision
P11 in conjunction with partners set targets for new housing over the plan period indicating proportion of market housing and affordable housing across all tenures and areas
P12 conduct an equalities impact assessment of housing plans
P13 analyse data, intelligence and trends in local housing markets on a continuous basis and update plans

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

​K1 the demographic and economic context, the housing and financial market, local housing stock and indicators of future demand
K2 what key documents are essential to read and where to find these, i.e., economic and regional spatial strategies
K3 the secondary and primary data sources available, how they should be used and the potential limitations of the data
K4 different types of tenures e.g. profile of tenures, current and future demand and supply for each tenure
K5 the  local planning context and the importance of regional and sub-regional led plans
K6 the needs and demands of all groups in society and the barriers to securing a decent home for different groups
K7 the purpose and methods for engaging with the local community
K8 how to identify housing priorities
K9 land prices and the local economics of house building
K10 the range of tools and methods to develop future scenarios for the housing market area
K11 how to source land availability which has potential for development
K12 the layout and structure of plans and policies
K13 how to calculate the ratio between market and affordable housing through housing affordability assessment and/or according to the relevant planning and other policies for the country in which the assessment is being made
K14 methods for undertaking an equalities impact assessment
K15 keep up to date with relevant government housing legislation, policy and strategy frameworks for the country you operate in


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Asset Skills

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Housing Strategy Officer

SOC Code


housing need; housing demand; tenures